state of the art

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state of the art

  1. aste, vaihe, tila.

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tila At the highest level of development at a particular time; cutting-edge.
2006, Patrick Blackburn · Johan Bos · Kristina Striegnitz, Learn Prolog Now!, §8.3

How good are DCGs from a linguistic perspective? Well, mixed. At one stage (in the early 1980s) they were pretty much state of the art. They made it possible to code complex grammars in a clear way, and to explore the interplay of syntactic and semantic ideas. Certainly any history of parsing in computational linguistics would give DCGs an honourable mention.

state-of-the-art technology

The condition of scientific or technical knowledge, particularly the peak or highest level thereof, at a particular time.


  • "Selvää on, että laivakaappaus merkitsee Viron itsenäisyydelle monen vuoden lyhennystä. Kun SAFKA:n aktivisti Johan Bäckman on ennustanut, että Virolla on eväitä vielä kymmenen vuoden itsenäisyyteen, Viron romahtaminen Somalian tapaisen merirosvovaltion tasolle syö siitä monta vuotta. Viro ja Latvia ovat pääsemässä failed state- kategoriaan."


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